She is sitting on this 2-feet high wall, built with red bricks and partially in ruins. From this well located spot, she can see the four crossing streets. On her right-hand side are Glum Street and Chalk Street. The sun rises from Chalk St every morning at 6. She loves this sight : the sleeping town shining with a new light. Life starts again from that very precise moment : workers leave their houses, mothers make breakfast, open the windows to air the bedrooms… Soon, she can hear children laughing as they go to school.
At the end of Chalk St, there is a sportground. No one goes there before the afternoon. Teenagers are lazy, nowadays. But they all arrive at the same time, around 3. She likes the sound made by their boards as they slide on the benches and on the edge of the pavement. There is a basket-ball court, too, chich once was a tennis ball court. It has been replaced a few years ago.
On Glum St, there are small houses inhabitated mainly by poor families. Women have to work a lot and to raise their children at the same time, it’s not easy. She often hears one crying baby. She knows he is raised by his father, a silent and angry man who lost his wife at the birth of the child. In their neighbours’ house, two little girls take care of the housework while their mum is working. She loves their ritual : cleaning the kitchen, washing the floors, making the beds, and eventually taking off yesterday’s page of the calendar. Then, one takes the old guitar and plays some music while the other dances.
On her left-hand side are Dean St and Maroon St. She loves Dean St, because of the name and because there are nice and wealthy people living on this street. These people are always in a hurry : in the morning, late for work ; in the evenings, late for the goodnight kiss to their children… She doesn’t know how they can live properly. For now, most of the houses are echoing with laughter, for parents didn’t go to work : it’s a holiday today. She loves being here and watching. She can hear Old Tom climbing the ladder.
“Hello you !”
”Hello beautiful ! What’s going on today ?”
“Not much. It seems that Henry still didn’t figure how to make his poor son quiet. Lily and Rose have done the cleaning. Lily knows some new steps, I think.”
“Oh, great…”. Old Tom pauses for a few seconds, just to admire the sight too.
She goes on, telling him about the wonderful lives of these people, down there. He is quietly listening to her joyous chatting. At some point, she stops and looks at him. Her hand touches his cheek, just in time to catch a droping tear.
“What’s going on ?”
“Nothing, really. It’s allright.”
She moves closer, to see his face properly. She notices a large bruise under his right eye. He wiped the blood away, but it still can be seen. She feels sad and sorry for him.
“What happened to you ?”
“Nothing, really. Nothing at all. Really… Life…”
3 commentaires:
Texte écrit il y a quelques temps, dont j'avais perdu la fin. J'ai donc ré-écrit la dernière partie, que je trouve beaucoup moins jolie que l'originale.
Hehehe! Still great to read your writings!
So, the end ins not the orginl?
What part has been changed? From the Dialogue to the end? And was it the same point?
Yes, the end's different. From the moment she stops talking, it's different.
And it was the same point, but it was better.
Thanks anyway :o)
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